It should be obvious that summer is coming as May progresses. Depending on local weather variations, you can start sowing and planting out bedding. It's also time to resume your regular lawn-mowing schedule since your lawn will love the warmer weather this month provides.

General garden jobs
Look out for late frosts and wrap delicate bedding plants in horticultural fleece to prevent damage.
Plant tender exotics, frost-tender vegetables, and sweet pea plants began to grow under glass from the middle of the month.
Keep up with the hoeing and weeding
Keep an eye out for pests
Hedges should be trimmed
Trim topiary, box hedges, and other formal hedging sparingly so that they stay neat for the majority of the summer before being thoroughly pruned later in the season.
Trim the Leyland cypress hedges for the first time this year.
Also remember to prune quickly growing hedges, like hawthorn, and to water and mulch newly planted hedges.