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August jobs


Carry on the good work started in July by continuing to regularly care for your plants in August. Your plants are enjoying their peak and their abundant roots require watering daily. We recommend watering in the evening, once the sun goes off them. They’ll have all night to soak up a good, long drink - some smaller containers might even need to be watered twice a day.

Remember to enjoy the last of summer!
  • Keep on harvesting fruit and vegetables

  • Don't forget to keep watering your plants.

  • Try to feed your plants weekly with a feed high in potash

  • To help your plants stay in good condition check them regularly, to see if you need to deadhead and prune them

  • Now is the perfect time to start planting autumn flowering bulbs and corms.

As the summer comes to an end now may be a good time to think about your garden plans for next year. Look around your garden, take notes or pictures, and see what has worked and what didn't. This will help determine what plants or vegetables you want to grow next year and where you want to plant them.


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