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Why Getting the Right Garden Tools Matters

Invest in high-quality gardening tools to make the task easier and more fun. To achieve the greatest results in your garden and prevent harm, use the proper tools.

Top tip!
Keep your equipment clean to reduce the danger of spreading plant diseases, make them easier to use, and extend their lifespan.

The ideal hand fork for weeding

For weeding beds and borders, a hand fork is a necessary tool. Although more expensive, stainless steel ones are simpler to maintain and typically last longer.

When planting little plants, use a hand trowel.

Little plants require the use of hand trowels during planting. It depends on personal preference, however some gardeners like ones with longer handles for more leverage.

Clean up plants with secateurs.

For cutting stems that are finger-thick or thinner, use secateurs. For anything chunkier, use lopping shears. Keep them well-oiled and sharp so they can cut neatly.

Prepare the ground for planting with a border fork.

Border forks are used to break up the soil and remove the roots of perennial weeds so you can plant. You might need to initially turn the ground over with a spade on heavy soils.

Dig with a spade and plant big plants.

The size, form, and length of the shaft of a spade can vary significantly. Take one up from the shelf and see which one feels appropriate for you. If you have hard, compacted soil in your yard, spades with pointed ends can be handy.

Protect your hands with gloves.

For pruning roses or clearing brambles, thick leather gloves are a must. Weeding and other routine gardening tasks benefit from using thinner gloves. While handling fertilisers or other chemicals, wear rubber gloves.

Did you know when you buy Mary & June's 'Complete Gardening Pack' you receive a free pair of Briers Gardening Gloves?


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