In January, when the days are often cold and frosty, you can brighten up your garden or doorway with a few colourful plant pots. Here are a few plants which are ideal for a container this time of year.

Winter Hellebores
With attractive foliage and pretty flowers, the hellebore is a perfect plant for a container in the garden. There are many varieties to choose from in cream, pink, purple or green flowers and are easy to grow. It will liven up your garden and continue to bloom until early Spring.

Skimmia Japonica Rubella
With glossy, tough evergreen leaves, the Skimmia Japonica is one of the easiest evergreen shrubs to grow. They often have very showy flower buds even before they flower in Spring. They look great alongside Hellebores, cyclamen and Winter-flowering pansies in your Winter container.

Known for their bright flowers, the primrose is a popular winter container plant and can be relied upon to give colour for months on end. They come in a variety of colours and are one of our first woodland blooms and an important nectar source for butterflies.